無料漫画読み放題サービス「YouBooks ユーブックス」

Abuse report

Please complete below the abuse report form with necessary information and submit to us.
In accordance with the Intellectual Property Policy, We will respond inputGuideeditiously to claims of copyright infringement that are reported to our Designated Agent.

We will respond to the report only if accurate report is stated.
Please also note that any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing may be subject to liability. Please be careful.


This name must be the copyright owner or a legally authorized representative.

Zip code*require
Phone number*require
Mail address*require
URL of the file in violation.(Multiple input Allowed)*require

You can list multiple URLs by linefeed.

Number of reported URLs*require

Please enter the number corresponding to the URLs you are reporting.

Reason for request*require
A URL that proves that your report is legitimate and we can confirm it. *require

I affirm that the use of the reported content is not authorized by the copyright owner, or his/her representative or by applicable laws.


I solemnly swear that I am the copyright owner or his/her legal representative authorized to act on his/her behalf, and that this request is legitimate. I certify, under penalty of perjury or other applicable law, that this request is not a false claim.


I agree to the disclosure of information including but not limited to the name of the complainer, contact information and the reason for the deletion request, to the service user who publicized the content in question.


I check there is no error in the information I provided in this report.